Tuesday, April 10, 2007


A phrase that is often used in drift/import culture is "JDM". Many people just hear the word without knowing what it means. JDM stands for Japanese Domestic Market. And in the tuner world it describes any part, or style originally from Japan. Many tuners strive to convert their USDM (United States Domestic Market) cars to have the same specs and look of JDM cars. Its a way to make their car unique and most of the time better in performance. This is because many cars from Japan, when sold in the US, are tuned down in their performance and styling aspects. Little things such as JDM gauge clusters, bumpers, even mirrors can add unique style to a car. JDM motor and transmission swaps improve performance and tunability of many cars. Some people dont like the "JDM" craze and for others its a way of life.

Here is an example of a "JDM conversion" which is popular in the drift world.

USDM 240sx

JDM Silvia S13 Conversion

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